Message from the President
FAVA One Health Fukuoka Office
Isao Kurauchi, President

Outbreaks of zoonotic infections such as COVID-19, new strains of influenza, and rabies, as well as antimicrobial resistance (AMR), are feared around the world, and countermeasures and responses to such diseases have become topics of pressing urgency.
Against such background, the 21st Federation of Asian Veterinary Associations (FAVA) Congress was held under the theme of “One Health Approach from Asia” in Fukuoka City in November 2022 with the participation of approximately 2,500 people. It was a great success, and I would like to thank everyone involved once again for all their support.
As an outcome of the Congress, the “Asia One Health Fukuoka Declaration 2022” was adopted, and its message was powerfully communicated to Asia and to the world from Fukuoka, the center that will serve as a guideline for future activities of One Health in Asia. Prior to opening this Congress, I was appointed as the President of FAVA, and it was decided to build FAVA One Health Fukuoka Office (FOF) in Fukuoka City.
With the support of Fukuoka Prefecture and numerous companies and individuals, we were able to open this office in ACROS Fukuoka, located in Tenjin, Chuo-ku, Fukuoka City, in August 2023. We will continue to promote Fukuoka as a base for One Health.
We look forward to your continued support and encouragement.